Isabelle digs deep in an effort to explain what trauma means to her, with a little help from her PLEX Research Partners of course…
Meeting 1 Episode 1 – The objectives of the research project
In this opening session the group of PLEX Research Partners come to grips with some of the more perplexing aspects of this intriguing model proposed by Micah Murray and his team…
Rencontre entre scientifiques et patients experts
Il y a une année, l’ONG Meeting for Minds mettait sur pied le projet Synergies, en collaboration avec le Graap. Le principe: des personnes ayant une expérience de la maladie psychique rencontrent des scientifiques étudiant le cerveau. Un échange fructueux.
Et si notre expérience de la maladie était utile aux chercheurs ?
Le 23 novembre 2018, la Fondation Halphen, avec laquelle le Graap collabore dans le cadre d’un projet international, a remis son prix 2018 à Marion Leboyer, co-auteure de «Psychiatrie: l’état d’urgence»
Immune Therapy Project
Meeting 1 Episode 6 – Duration of Treatment
Sean explains how the test is likely to impact “inpatient” treatment periods…
Meeting 1 Episode 5 – The Test
Sean explains the implications of the “test” and Keith emphasises the liberating effect of PLEX involvement…
Meeting 1 Episode 4 – Project Implementation Update
Asked about metrics, Sean refers to the success of the MAPS approach in his own practice…
Meeting 1 Episode 7 – The Limbic System
Renaud outlines his theory of the origins of empathy – much to the amusement of the others in the room…
Meeting 1 Episode 6 – Another Epigenetic Mechanism
The ZURICH team continue their discussion around DNA and microRNA methylation and touch on the reasons why it is so difficult to treat psychiatric disorders…