
Meeting 1 Episode 1 – What happens when the brain changes?
To kick-off the new SYNERGIES programme at Perron Institute, Principal investigator and brain-plasticity superstar Prof. Jennifer Rodger takes the PLEX-RPs through a brief overview of what she is researching and why.

Café scientifique – Parlons cerveau
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par des troubles

Potential SYNERGIES project receives important funding boost

Meeting for Minds director, Hon. Keith Wilson, short listed for Australian Mental Health Prize
The Australian Mental Health Prize shines a light on the selfless work of individuals making a difference in the area of mental health.

COVID-19 and mental health: How one pandemic can reveal another
COVID-19 and mental health: How one pandemic can reveal another The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected individuals with mental disorders, and revealed fundamental flaws in how vulnerable persons are treated in the context of such crises. Joel Swendsen∗ National Center for Scientific Research, France

Meeting 03 Episode 03 – The need to network – collaboration between professionals
Psychiatrists vs Psychologists – Cecilia and Hasna discuss the importance of having these two professions work in close collaboration when seeking a balanced approach to treating PLEX

Meeting 02 Episode 02 – Can the test predict how the illness will evolve?
Once the tests have been carried out on vulnerable groups and the data cross-referenced with ongoing therapies, can we make any predictions concerning possible clinical developments on an individual basis?

Finale – The Bern project comes to a close…
The Botox based project in Bern comes to a sudden stop, due to lack of funding. Alexandre, one of the PLEX Research Partners involved, bemoans this lack of vision from funders but remains optimistic as the all important SYNERGIES programme soldiers-on elsewhere…

Meeting 2 Episode 1 – What do the latest results show us?
How do people living with psychosis experience the world differently? Chrysa reveals the differences observed between responses to manmade and natural sounds…