Meeting 03 Episode 02 – How do we deal with the mental fallout of trauma?
What happens once you realise you have suffered severe childhood trauma? Cecilia reveals a bilateral approach to being bipolar…
What happens once you realise you have suffered severe childhood trauma? Cecilia reveals a bilateral approach to being bipolar…
How does childhood trauma launch us towards psychiatric issues later in life? Laurence alludes to her own experience and fingers “hypersensitivity” as the culprit…
Is diagnosis and subsequent labelling a help or hindrance to people living with mental illness? Kristina touches on the potential for rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) in people with severe depression while Alexandre adds n since to the debate…
EEG readings indicate that significant changes are taking place in brain activity even before clinical observations show improvement. But there are problems inherent to the experimental process and Micah hopes SYNERGIES can go some way to providing a solution…
What do we mean when we talk about “trauma”? Isabelle and her PLEX-RPs take another shot at defining the phenomenon at the heart of her research – without which, a deeper understanding of the scientific and clinical ramifications are difficult to determine…
When things go wrong in childhood, it isn’t just the child who suffers. Isabelle offers some hope and scientific evidence of how this deeply disturbing reality might be avoided…
“Bench to Bed” is a phrase frequently used to describe an idealised relationship between research and clinical practice – Kristine explains to the PLEX-RPs one reason why this process isn’t quite as simple as it sounds…
Epigenetics or just plain old genetic variability? Tracking changes in DNA means you need to start with a level playing field and Isabelle explains why mice are the model subject…
Is “personalised medicine” excluded when building clinical models using large data sets – Micah brings some balance to the paradox…
Isabelle introduces the “Early Cause” consortium while experiments carried out during lockdown find a link between cardiovascular disease and trans-generational trauma…