Meeting 3 Episode 3 – How Seasons impact Illness
Spring or Autumn? Alexandre unpacks the complex impact that seasonal change can have on those suffering with bi-polar or depression…
Spring or Autumn? Alexandre unpacks the complex impact that seasonal change can have on those suffering with bi-polar or depression…
Cecile attempts to address the injustice of mental illness when she asks “why me?”
Micah delves into the structural abnormalities behind cognitive deficits…
Alexandre explains how depression can undermine resistance to stress and fatigue…
The Perth group sit down and get a a dose of how drug metabolisation, especially in the context of multiple medications, is not only complex but critical…
Isabelle Mansuy begins a discussion around how SYNERGIES has altered her world view and what this implies for the future of her research…
Micah’s team discusses what happens when the brain is exposed to different forms of external signal via our senses and how these effects can differ depending on certain pathologies…
The Bern group discusses potential scenarios for collaboration – with on eye on the funding issue…
Meeting for Minds marks 2019 World Mental Health Day with Geneva Switzreland’s first ever Mad Pride Parade, where we say Bas les Masques – Masks off for Mental Health
SYNERGIES – Diagonales article – French