Isabelle listens carefully as the PLEX-RPs build a picture of mental illness that steals your existence and is all consuming…
Meeting 04 Episode 06 – Living with mental illness is a full-time job…

Isabelle listens carefully as the PLEX-RPs build a picture of mental illness that steals your existence and is all consuming…
Laurence talks about her involvement with the support group for PLEX based in Fribourg
Laurence talks about her involvement with the support group for PLEX based in Fribourg
GRAAP (Associative and psychiatric Action Group) – an institution of interested individuals -Isabelle is curious about the organisation behind her PLEX Research Partners and the group obliges with a detailed expose…
When asked about how a career in science is affected by gender, Isabelle Mansuy relates a number of anecdotes that illustrate the prejudices still affecting women’s education…
Funding for research is a tough nut to crack, especially when you are up against projects which appeal to established parameters or have “preordained” high-profile objectives. Isabelle laments the paucity of financing available to ‘lean, mean and provocative” projects that question fashionable assumptions…