
Watch a re-run of the “Cafe Scientifique” held on the 15 March 2021
In French, with English subtitles, the discussions address psychotherapy and the effect it has on our emotions and our brains…

Meeting 01 Episode 03 – What is rTMS?
Gizmos on the head and machines that go “beep”? Before the team begin to define their roles in the research project, everyone needs to know what rTMS is all about…

Watch a short video covering this event

A window into a brain with mental disorders in current times
A fascinating exchange between a basic researcher and a clinical researcher discussing mental disorders

Meeting 01 Episode 02 – Explaining the Hemispheres of the Brain
The idea that your brain is separated into two halves, each one having a monopoly on creativity or analysis, has entered the vernacular. But as with many complex systems, and it doesn’t get any more complex than the brain, this seductive oversimplification is simply wrong.

Meeting 03 Episode 04 – How did they memory of trauma resurface?
What happens when something hitherto forgotten comes back and unleashes emotional and psychological chaos? Cecilia begins to unravel the source of her issues and comes to a conclusion that couples courage with resolution…

Meeting 02 Episode 03 – Is there a way to grade vulnerability?
Jacqueline asks a very pertinent question – how sure are we when certain results indicate “vulnerability” that the person will go on to develop a mental illness?

Listen to Celia Hammond
She talks about mental health, Meeting for Minds and our recent living art installation with artist Andrew Baines.

Écoutez Fabienne Furger (Meeting For Minds) parler du Cafe Scientifique sur Radio Cité Genève
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par des troubles