Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par des troubles
COVID-19 and mental health: How one pandemic can reveal another
COVID-19 and mental health: How one pandemic can reveal another The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected individuals with mental disorders, and revealed fundamental flaws in how vulnerable persons are treated in the context of such crises. Joel Swendsen∗ National Center for Scientific Research, France
Bas les Masques – Masks off for Mental Health
Meeting for Minds marks 2019 World Mental Health Day with Geneva Switzreland’s first ever Mad Pride Parade, where we say Bas les Masques – Masks off for Mental Health
SYNERGIES – Diagonales perceptions sensorielles et psychose – juillet août 2019
SYNERGIES – Diagonales article – French
“La 1ère – 2019-08-14 – La ligne de coeur – Maria Halphen”
Interview with Maria Halphen – Radio Television Suisse (La Ligne de Coeur/Heart Lines)
In an Interview, obtained by one of our SYNERGIES Switzerland PLEX Research Partners Alexandre Mariethoz, Jean-Marc Richard ask Maria Halphen about Meeting for Minds.
Rencontre entre scientifiques et patients experts
Il y a une année, l’ONG Meeting for Minds mettait sur pied le projet Synergies, en collaboration avec le Graap. Le principe: des personnes ayant une expérience de la maladie psychique rencontrent des scientifiques étudiant le cerveau. Un échange fructueux.
Et si notre expérience de la maladie était utile aux chercheurs ?
Le 23 novembre 2018, la Fondation Halphen, avec laquelle le Graap collabore dans le cadre d’un projet international, a remis son prix 2018 à Marion Leboyer, co-auteure de «Psychiatrie: l’état d’urgence»
M4M DISCUSS FIRST PROJECT ON ABC RADIO – AUSTRALIA – JULY 2018 On 24 July 2018, Meeting for Minds had its first Project discussed on ABC Radio. Meeting for Minds Co-Founder Susie Hincks, Director Keith Wilson and Meeting for Minds partner Professor Sean Hood were interviewed by Nadia Mitsopoulos on ABC Radio Australia’s ‘FOCUS’ Panel. The … Continue reading M4M DISCUSS FIRST PROJECT ON ABC RADIO – AUSTRALIA – JULY 2018
RESEARCH REVOLUTION FUNDRAISING GALA – AUSTRALIA – JULY 2018 On 14 July 2018, Meeting for Minds is hosting a Fundraising Gala in Perth, Australia. Please find the details below. For bookings and information, please contact Jane at or on +61 (0)488 722 759.