She talks about mental health, Meeting for Minds and our recent living art installation with artist Andrew Baines.
Listen to Celia Hammond

She talks about mental health, Meeting for Minds and our recent living art installation with artist Andrew Baines.
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par des troubles
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par des troubles
COVID-19 and mental health: How one pandemic can reveal another The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected individuals with mental disorders, and revealed fundamental flaws in how vulnerable persons are treated in the context of such crises. Joel Swendsen∗ National Center for Scientific Research, France
Meeting for Minds marks 2019 World Mental Health Day with Geneva Switzreland’s first ever Mad Pride Parade, where we say Bas les Masques – Masks off for Mental Health
SYNERGIES – Diagonales article – French
Interview with Maria Halphen – Radio Television Suisse (La Ligne de Coeur/Heart Lines)
In an Interview, obtained by one of our SYNERGIES Switzerland PLEX Research Partners Alexandre Mariethoz, Jean-Marc Richard ask Maria Halphen about Meeting for Minds.
Il y a une année, l’ONG Meeting for Minds mettait sur pied le projet Synergies, en collaboration avec le Graap. Le principe: des personnes ayant une expérience de la maladie psychique rencontrent des scientifiques étudiant le cerveau. Un échange fructueux.
Le 23 novembre 2018, la Fondation Halphen, avec laquelle le Graap collabore dans le cadre d’un projet international, a remis son prix 2018 à Marion Leboyer, co-auteure de «Psychiatrie: l’état d’urgence»
M4M DISCUSS FIRST PROJECT ON ABC RADIO – AUSTRALIA – JULY 2018 On 24 July 2018, Meeting for Minds had its first Project discussed on ABC Radio. Meeting for Minds Co-Founder Susie Hincks, Director Keith Wilson and Meeting for Minds partner Professor Sean Hood were interviewed by Nadia Mitsopoulos on ABC Radio Australia’s ‘FOCUS’ Panel. The … Continue reading M4M DISCUSS FIRST PROJECT ON ABC RADIO – AUSTRALIA – JULY 2018