Maria Halphen is originally from Sweden and an international collaborator on stigma research. She was inspired by the harrowing experiences of Susie Hincks, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. As a result of further discussions with the wider mental health community, Maria gained valuable insights into the issues faced by those living with mental illness. Maria decided to devote her time and energy to create a foundation for encouraging and coordinating research at an international level and to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness through communication and education. Maria is also the President of the Philippe and Maria Halphen Foundation, which is under the auspices of the French Academy of Science in Paris, France.


Keith Wilson is a former Western Australian Minister of Health and former chair of the Mental Health Council of Australia. He has been involved in ongoing mental health advocacy through membership of non-government agencies such as WA Association for Mental Health, the Mental Illness Fellowship WA, Carers WA, and the Learning and Attentional Disorders Society of WA. Keith was a member of the Board of St John Health Care for 10 years. He was awarded the Centenary Medal (2001) for service to people with a mental illness and their carers. He is also a Member of the Order of Australia (2009) and is a director of Meeting for Minds. Keith is a powerful voice promoting the cause of mental health not only in Australia but globally.


Anne-Louise Willoughby has thirty-five years experience as a journalist and communications specialist in print and television, in the corporate sector and in publishing academic journals. Currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Western Australia, there Anne-Louise also teaches creative non-fiction writing. A long time supporter of medical research alongside her late husband Timothy, Anne-Louise has collaborated with M4M since its outset and in joining the board, she is keenly focused on assisting M4M to deliver on its commitment to facilitating critical breakthroughs in mental health research.


Carolyn Gibbon, a Chartered Accountant (South Africa and New Zealand) is a Finance Manager for a WA government agency. Carolyn is very involved in volunteer activities and contributes to M4M as Finance Manager. She has experience in the public sector, private sector and has lectured in Financial Accounting.


Meredith joined M4M in 2017 and has over 10 years of experience in the field of education.


Chris worked as a professional journalist for almost 40 years until 2012. Starting as a cadet newspaper journalist, he spent more than a decade with ABC News as a reporter, sub-editor and chief of staff. In 1988, Chris joined the fledgling Channel 10 in Perth as a member of its start-up news team in the role of chief of staff and was appointed Director of News in 1995. Since leaving Ten in 2012 he has been involved in a number of media projects as well as lecturing in journalism at the University of Western Australia and tutoring at Murdoch University.


Ann Vincent is highly regarded in the fashion industry here in Australia and overseas in Europe. Her experience is networking for fundraising purposes and in this capacity she was previously on the board of the McCusker Foundation for Alzheimer’s Research. Ann has a general interest in Mental Health due in part to her long association with Maria Halphen and her family, along with her desire to contribute her time and fundraising expertise to this worthy cause.

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