Sep 29
Café scientifique – Parlons cerveau – La Neuromodulation
Pour ceux qui ne répondent pas aux traitements traditionnels, des approches appelées « psychiatrie interventionnelle » peuvent être envisagées. Read more
Nov 13
Café scientifique – Parlons cerveau
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par Read more
Apr 6
Café scientifique – Parlons cerveau
La fatigue mentale dépend de nombreux facteurs et retentit sur différents comportements. Les recherches récentes en neurosciences se sont concentrées Read more
Jun 29
Café scientifique – Parlons cerveau
Traumatismes en héritage : L’épigénétique en action… Read more
Nov 15
Café scientifique – Parlons cerveau
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par Read more
Jul 31
Activités M4M-SYNERGIES 2018-2021
May 10
Watch a re-run of the “Cafe Scientifique” held on the 15 March 2021
In French, with English subtitles, the discussions address psychotherapy and the effect it has on our emotions and our brains... Read more
Mar 12
Écoutez Fabienne Furger (Meeting For Minds) parler du Cafe Scientifique sur Radio Cité Genève
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par Read more
Jan 28
Café scientifique – Parlons cerveau
Curieux de découvrir des recherches qui étudient le cerveau ? Curieux d’entendre les réflexions et questions de personnes concernées par Read more
Oct 3
SYNERGIES – Diagonales perceptions sensorielles et psychose – juillet août 2019
SYNERGIES - Diagonales article - French Read more
Maria Halphen is originally from Sweden and an international collaborator on stigma research. She was inspired by the harrowing experiences of Susie Hincks, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. As a result of further discussions with the wider mental health community, Maria gained valuable insights into the issues faced by those living with mental illness. Maria decided to devote her time and energy to create a foundation for encouraging and coordinating research at an international level and to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness through communication and education. Maria is also the President of the Philippe and Maria Halphen Foundation, which is under the auspices of the French Academy of Science in Paris, France.
Gilles Lambotte is an Economics graduate from the University of Geneva. He became a founding partner of Octogone group, a global advisor in wealth management. After a year with Paribas Bank and with the French Foreign Service in the Middle East, Gilles joined U.M.C. Industries in the U.S.A. as Assistant Vice-President in the Mergers and Acquisition Department. In 1981, he became a Portfolio Manager at Bearbull and a Member of the Investment Product Committee before joining the board of Bearbull.
Yanne Norup Schmidt was born and educated in Denmark and studied French in Paris and then worked in a special effects and film production company. Upon her return to Denmark, Yanne worked with her father in fashion/ready to wear. Later she moved back to Paris and specialised in the purchase and sale of Art Nouveau objects. In 1990, she married theatre producer, Lars Schmidt, one of the great European figures from the fifties through to the nineties. She supported her husband in their private life and in his work.
Anath Guggenheim is attorney at law in Geneva. After she graduated from the School of Law at the University of Geneva (2003), she was a trainee and later an associate with the law firm MING HALPERIN BURGER INAUDI (2003-2008). She was admitted to the Geneva bar in 2005 and received a Master of Laws (LL.M) from New York University (2009). She joined the GUGGENHEIM law firm in August 2009, as lawyer, while also serving as an assistant at the Department of administrative and tax law at the University of Geneva. She resumed her activity as a full time lawyer in September 2010. Anath regularly represents individuals and companies before civil, criminal and administrative jurisdictions. She also advises clients in her areas of practice, which includes the creation and tax exemption of non-profit entities.
Per Settegren is an international business lawyer and senior partner and one of the founding partners of the Vinge Law firm in Sweden.
Fabienne Furger studied social sciences, has worked on research projects on self/mutual-help and is convinced by the value of lived experiences expertise and the necessity to take it into account in all concerned fields. Fabienne works atGRAAP in the community action sector, and has been mandated to act as the Co-ordinator of the Synergies CH project since June 2018. She coordinates the different encounters between the researches and the research partners with lived experience of mental illness, facilitating the emergence and exchange of their different forms of expertise.

SYNERGIES – Diagonales perceptions sensorielles et psychose – juillet août 2019
SYNERGIES – Diagonales article – French

“La 1ère – 2019-08-14 – La ligne de coeur – Maria Halphen”
Interview with Maria Halphen – Radio Television Suisse (La Ligne de Coeur/Heart Lines)
In an Interview, obtained by one of our SYNERGIES Switzerland PLEX Research Partners Alexandre Mariethoz, Jean-Marc Richard ask Maria Halphen about Meeting for Minds.

Rencontre entre scientifiques et patients experts
Il y a une année, l’ONG Meeting for Minds mettait sur pied le projet Synergies, en collaboration avec le Graap. Le principe: des personnes ayant une expérience de la maladie psychique rencontrent des scientifiques étudiant le cerveau. Un échange fructueux.

Et si notre expérience de la maladie était utile aux chercheurs ?
Le 23 novembre 2018, la Fondation Halphen, avec laquelle le Graap collabore dans le cadre d’un projet international, a remis son prix 2018 à Marion Leboyer, co-auteure de «Psychiatrie: l’état d’urgence»