LAUSANNE - Laboratory for Investigative Neurophysiology, CHUV
Latest Episode
Meeting 04 Episode 03 – Psychiatry is still not proactive enough.
In this final episode of the CHUV collaboration, Alexandre asks why psychiatry always seems to be chasing its tail. In response, Micah Murray revisits a number of problems identified during the course of theIR SYNERGIES meetings, especially those that follow +
Meeting 1 Episode 1 – The objectives of the research project
In this opening session the group of PLEX Research Partners come to grips with some of the more perplexing aspects of this intriguing model proposed by Micah Murray and his team… +
Meeting 1 Episode 2 – How the brain responds to visual and auditory stimuli
Micah’s team discusses what happens when the brain is exposed to different forms of external signal via our senses and how these effects can differ depending on certain pathologies... +
Meeting 1 Episode 3 – How real is the audio/visual deficit?
Micah delves into the structural abnormalities behind cognitive deficits... +
Meeting 1 Episode 4 – Early Intervention
Alexandre extols the virtue of early intervention... but why is it so hard to do? +
Meeting 1 Episode 5 – Distress – A Marker for Intervention?
Disorder or distress - how do you know when to intervene in early life? +
Meeting 1 Episode 6 – Does the Analysis Include the Individual’s Past and Present Context?
Is "personalised medicine” excluded when building clinical models using large data sets - Micah brings some balance to the paradox... +
Meeting 1 Episode 7 – Can you actually tell when someone is better?
EEG readings indicate that significant changes are taking place in brain activity even before clinical observations show improvement. But there are problems inherent to the experimental process and Micah hopes SYNERGIES can go some way to providing a solution... +
Meeting 2 Episode 1 – What do the latest results show us?
How do people living with psychosis experience the world differently? Chrysa reveals the differences observed between responses to manmade and natural sounds... +
Meeting 02 Episode 02 – Can the test predict how the illness will evolve?
Once the tests have been carried out on vulnerable groups and the data cross-referenced with ongoing therapies, can we make any predictions concerning possible clinical developments on an individual basis? +
Meeting 02 Episode 03 – Is there a way to grade vulnerability?
Jacqueline asks a very pertinent question - how sure are we when certain results indicate "vulnerability" that the person will go on to develop a mental illness? +
Meeting 02 Episode 04 – Is the effect linked to emotional security?
Are PLEX particularly vulnerable to sensory and emotional overload and how do you find out? The discussion that follows Fernando's question reveals PLEX insights into this convoluted topic and confirms them as valuable members of Micah's research team... +
Meeting 02 Episode 05 – Is hypofrontality the result of compensation?
Hypofrontality (a state of decreased cerebral blood flow in the prefrontal cortex of the brain) has been associated with a number of psychiatric diseases. In this episode, Micah raises the question of what's behind this symptomatic response and asks if +
Meeting 02 Episode 06 – The importance of environmental considerations when analysing the brain…
What if we were more than just our brains? Alexandre asks about the significance of a person's environment and how that can impact any form of latent psychosis. Micah agrees that beyond any existing genetic precursors, how we experience the +
Meeting 02 Episode 07 – What do the PLEX Research Partners bring to these encounters?
In this episode, Micah Murray explains how SYNERGIES and these encounters with the PLEX Research Partners brings concrete and practical benefits to his research approach... +
Meeting 03 Episode 01 – “Presenting the study at a scientific conference…”
PI Chrysa gives a brief presentation along the lines of what would be expected in a real scientific conference and the PLEX rise to the occasion with a demonstration of their acquired expertise in the subject... +
Meeting 03 Episode 02 – Concluding the Presentation
Chrysa puts the finishing touches to this prototypical scientific presentation of the team’s research results. +
Meeting 03 Episode 03 – How do premature babies’ brains respond to stimulation?
Chrysa puts the finishing touches to this prototypical scientific presentation of the team’s research results. +
Meeting 03 Episode 04 – The PLEX-RPs come back with some suggestions…
Now that the research results have been presented, the SYNERGIES PLEX-RPs make some very pertinent observations - the researchers take notes... +
Meeting 03 Episode 05 – So where do we go from here?
Having witnessed the presentation of the research results, the PLEX - RPs want to know how Micah and Chrysa intend to implement their findings... +
Meeting 04 Episode 01 – What’s the goal of our joint article?
In this final meeting of the CHUV - SYNERGIES collaboration, Jacqueline outlines possible articulations for publishing a report on the results of Chrysa's research while Micah takes note of some in-depth observations from Alexandre. +
Meeting 04 Episode 02 – The problem with early detection – how do you present positive outcomes?
What are the implications of giving an early diagnosis? Micah explains the pros and cons of identifying issues in cognitive and sensorial deficiencies at an early age. +
Meeting 04 Episode 03 – Psychiatry is still not proactive enough.
In this final episode of the CHUV collaboration, Alexandre asks why psychiatry always seems to be chasing its tail. In response, Micah Murray revisits a number of problems identified during the course of theIR SYNERGIES meetings, especially those that follow +